Saturday, March 26, 2022

Understanding Spring Boot JPA's Eager and Lazy Fetch Types

springboot,java,hibernate,jpa,fetchtype,eagerloading,lazyloading,programming,software development,technology
One of the most important aspects to consider when working with Spring Boot and JPA (Java Persistence API) is how data related to entities are fetched from the database. "Eager" and "Lazy" fetching are two common strategies for fetching related entities. In this blog post, we'll look at eager and lazy fetch types, how they differ, and when to use each.

Let's start. 💪

1. What is Eager and Lazy loading

We are actually associating two or more entities using One-To-One/One-To-Many/Many-To-Many relationships, and these relationships are reflected at the database level using an ORM framework (such as Hibernate). ORM framework connects these two related entities with primary and foreign keys and retrieves data from these two related tables with primary and foreign keys.

So, by using the fetch type, we tell Hibernate how to retrieve data from the two related tables. There are two types of fetch: EAGER and LAZY. We used fetch type LAZY in the One-To-Many tutorial:
@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
FetchType.LAZY Hibernate will load the Owner first, then the Blogs ON DEMAND (based on the previous tutorial relationship). FetchType.EAGER indicates that Hibernate will load both related entities at the same time.

2. Create a Spring Boot Application

We will use Spring Initializr to create a new Spring Boot project, which will generate a basic structure for our Spring Boot project. The following dependencies have been added:  
  • Spring Boot DevTools - necessary development tools  
  • Spring Web - for Spring MVC and embedded Tomcat that will run the Spring Boot application  
  • Spring Data JPA - Java Persistence API 
  • MySQL Driver - JDBC driver for MySQL (for other DB you have to choose that dependency for that DB)
JAVA,Hibernate,fetch type,Programming,Spring Boot,OneToMany,Software Development,Technology,lazy loading,JPA,eager loading
Then, to download the project zip file, click GENERATE. Unzip the zip archive. Import the project as a Maven project into Eclipse/STS.

3. Connect to the Database

We'll put the connection information in the application because we're using MySQL as our database. Hibernate will use this information to connect to the database as the file has a name/value pair. The connection information is described in the following snippet:
JAVA,Hibernate,fetch type,Programming,Spring Boot,OneToMany,Software Development,Technology,lazy loading,JPA,eager loading
Here, we've set datasource.url to the URL of our JDBC connection. The database credentials are mentioned in datasource.user and datasource.password.  

Spring Boot can gather the necessary information about the database from the connection URL, so it is not necessary to specify datasource.driver-class-name. However, we will be safer if we specify the driver-class-name.

When the application is running, displays Hibernate SQL queries in the console, jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto is set to update, which updates the database schema every time we restart the application, and hibernate.dialect indicates which database dialect we are using.

👉 To demonstrate this tutorial, we will use two entities: Publisher and Book. We establish a One-To-Many relationship between these two entities using the @OneToMany annotation, along with the fetch types.

4. Entities

Make a package called entity and create a Book class in it. The code snippet is:
@Table(name = "BOOK_DETAILS")
public class Book {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    @Column(name = "ID")
    private int id;

    @Column(name = "book_name")
    private String bookName;

    @Column(name = "author_name")
    private String authorName;

    @Column(name = "year_of_published")
    private String yearOfPublished;

    @Column(name = "category")
    private String category;

    public Book() { }

    public Book(String bookName, String authorName, String yearOfPublished, 
    						String category) {
        this.bookName = bookName;
        this.authorName = authorName;
        this.yearOfPublished = yearOfPublished;
        this.category = category;

    public int getId() { return id; }
    public void setId(int id) { = id; }

    public String getBookName() { return bookName; }
    public void setBookName(String bookName) { this.bookName = bookName; }

    public String getAuthorName() { return authorName; }
    public void setAuthorName(String authorName) { this.authorName = authorName; }

    public String getYearOfPublished() { return yearOfPublished; }
    public void setYearOfPublished(String yearOfPublished) {  this.yearOfPublished = yearOfPublished; }

    public String getCategory() { return category; }
    public void setCategory(String category) { this.category = category; }

    public String toString() {
        return "Book{" + "id=" + id + ", bookName='" + bookName + '\'' + ", authorName='" + authorName + '\'' +
                ", yearOfPublished='" + yearOfPublished + '\'' + ", category='" + category + '\'' +'}';
Book entity contains some private properties with some getter and setter methods with a parameterized constructor and an overridden toString() method.

and create the Publisher class in the entity package:
@Table(name = "PUBLISHER_DETAILS")
public class Publisher {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    @Column(name = "ID")
    private int id;

    @Column(name = "publisher_name")
    private String publisherName;

    @Column(name = "year_of_established")
    private String yearOfEstablished;

    @Column(name = "address")
    private String address;

    @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy = "publisher",
            cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.DETACH, CascadeType.REFRESH})
    private List<Book> bookList;

    public Publisher() { }

    public Publisher(String publisherName, String yearOfEstablished, String address) {
        this.publisherName = publisherName;
        this.yearOfEstablished = yearOfEstablished;
        this.address = address;

    public int getId() { return id; }
    public void setId(int id) { = id; }

    public String getPublisherName() { return publisherName; }
    public void setPublisherName(String publisherName) { this.publisherName = publisherName; }

    public String getYearOfEstablished() { return yearOfEstablished; }
    public void setYearOfEstablished(String yearOfEstablished) { this.yearOfEstablished = yearOfEstablished; }

    public String getAddress() { return address; }
    public void setAddress(String address) { this.address = address; }

    public List<Book> getBookList() { return bookList; }
    public void setBookList(List<Book> bookList) { this.bookList = bookList; }

    public String toString() {
        return "Publisher{" + "id=" + id + ", publisherName='" + publisherName + '\'' +
                ", yearOfEstablished='" + yearOfEstablished + '\'' + ", address='" + address + '\'' + '}';
We used FetchType.EAGER with the @OneToMany annotation (One-To-Many relationship tutorial).

👉 We will first fetch data with FetchType.EAGER, then set FetchType.LAZY by modifying the Publisher entity, and then fetching the data again.

5. Repositories

The repository in Spring Boot is the data access layer that allows us to interact with our real database for operations like insert, update, and delete using Spring Data JPA. We have significantly reduced the number of boilerplate codes required to perform database operations as our PublisherRepository and BookRepository extend JpaRepository.

Create a package called repository. Create the PublisherRepository interface in it and include the following code snippet:
public interface PublisherRepository extends JpaRepository<Publisher,Integer> {

and create the BookRepository interface in the repository package:
public interface BookRepository extends JpaRepository<Book, Integer> {

6. Controllers

A controller is a class that has one or more public methods. Controllers are typically placed in the Controller directory. If a class is annotated with @Controller or @RestController in Spring Boot, it will serve as a controller, and its public methods will be exposed as HTTP endpoints if they are annotated with @PostMapping or @GetMapping.    

As a result, an HTTP GET request to http://localhost:PORT/method-name invokes the @GetMapping method of the ExampleController class.

Create a package called the controller and create a PublisherController class in it. The PublisherController has two methods: one for saving the Publisher with Books and another for retrieving Publisher details with Books by id. We injected the PublisherRepository into our controller using the @Autowired annotation. The following is the code:
public class PublisherController {

    private PublisherRepository publisherRepository;

    public String savePublisher(@RequestBody Publisher publisher) {
        System.out.println("Publisher save start...");

        Publisher publisherOut =;
        System.out.println("Publisher :: " + publisherOut.toString());

        System.out.println("Publisher save ends...");
        return "Publisher saved!!!";

    public String getPublisher(@PathVariable(name = "id") String id) {
        System.out.println("Publisher fetch start...");

        Publisher publisherOut = publisherRepository.getById(Integer.valueOf(id));
        System.out.println("Publisher details :: " + publisherOut.toString());
        System.out.println("Books :: " + publisherOut.getBookList());

        System.out.println("Publisher fetch ends...");
        return "Publisher fetched!!!";

7. Run the Project

To run the project in Visual Studio Code, follow these steps:
  1. Open
  2. Click on Run to run the Java program.
JAVA,Hibernate,fetch type,Programming,Spring Boot,OneToMany,Software Development,Technology,lazy loading,JPA,eager loading

To run the project in Eclipse, follow these steps:
  1. Right-click on
  2. Then choose Run As, then click on Spring Boot App.
JAVA,Hibernate,fetch type,Programming,Spring Boot,OneToMany,Software Development,Technology,lazy loading,JPA,eager loading

Because we did not specify a port in the file, our project will run on port 8080, and the default URL to access any REST API in this project is http://localhost:8080/. Because our project runs on our local machine, we used localhost. If your project is running on a remote server or in EC2, you must use the remote server's or EC2's IP address or the elastic IP address.

8. Testing of Fetch Types

👉 CALL /savePublisher

To save a publisher with a list of books, we call this URL in the Postman:
JAVA,Hibernate,fetch type,Programming,Spring Boot,OneToMany,Software Development,Technology,lazy loading,JPA,eager loading
The audit log at the console (Eclipse/STS) says Publisher with Books is saved successfully:
JAVA,Hibernate,fetch type,Programming,Spring Boot,OneToMany,Software Development,Technology,lazy loading,JPA,eager loading

👉 CALL /getPublisher/{id}

To fetch Publisher with Books details with an id value of 1 in the Postman, we use the following URL:
JAVA,Hibernate,fetch type,Programming,Spring Boot,OneToMany,Software Development,Technology,lazy loading,JPA,eager loading
The audit log at the console says Publisher with Books is fetched successfully:
JAVA,Hibernate,fetch type,Programming,Spring Boot,OneToMany,Software Development,Technology,lazy loading,JPA,eager loading
Hibernate generates a SELECT SQL statement by joining PUBLISHER_DEAILS (Publisher entity) with BOOK_DETAILS (Book entity) to fetch a list of Books associated with the Publisher because we set FetchType.EAGER in @OneToMany annotation in the Publisher entity. We have just saved four books, and those four books have been retrieved. However, in the real world, a renowned Publisher may publish more than a thousand Books, if not more, so retrieving all associated entity data at once is bad practice.

👉 Change to FetchType.LAZY

Let us look at the benefits of using FetchType.LAZY. We will simply change the fetch type to FetchType.LAZY in the @OneToMany annotation in the Publisher entity, and the rest of the code will remain unchanged. It's right here:
JAVA,Hibernate,fetch type,Programming,Spring Boot,OneToMany,Software Development,Technology,lazy loading,JPA,eager loading

👉 CALL /getPublisher/{id}

Again, we call /getPublisher/id (no change in this method) in Postman to fetch Publisher with Books details with an id value of 1 and see the audit log in the console:
JAVA,Hibernate,fetch type,Programming,Spring Boot,OneToMany,Software Development,Technology,lazy loading,JPA,eager loading

Hibernate does not generate a SELECT SQL statement by joining PUBLISHER_DEAILS and BOOK_DETAILS, as shown by FetchType.LAZY, but rather two separate SELECT SQL statements, one for PUBLISHER_DEAILS (Publisher entity) and one for BOOK_DETAILS (Book entity). As a result, data from associated entities is retrieved SEPARATELY rather than by JOINING.

👉 Again FetchType.EAGER

Update the fetch type to FetchType.EAGER once more in the @OneToMany annotation in the Publisher entity, and the rest of the code will remain unchanged. It's right here:
JAVA,Hibernate,fetch type,Programming,Spring Boot,OneToMany,Software Development,Technology,lazy loading,JPA,eager loading

and comment on the line that prints the list of Books (System.out.println("Books :: " + publisherOut.getBookList());) in the getPublisher() method as:
JAVA,Hibernate,fetch type,Programming,Spring Boot,OneToMany,Software Development,Technology,lazy loading,JPA,eager loading

👉 CALL /getPublisher/{id}

Now call /getPublisher/{id} to fetch Publisher with Books details with an id value of 1 in the Postman and see the audit log in the console:
JAVA,Hibernate,fetch type,Programming,Spring Boot,OneToMany,Software Development,Technology,lazy loading,JPA,eager loading
As we can see, we are no longer retrieving the list of Books associated with the Publisher, but Hibernate is still generating a SELECT SQL statement by joining PUBLISHER_DEAL with BOOK_DETAILS. As a result, the FetchType.EAGER will always JOIN the associated entity's data.

👉 Load data on DEMAND

Update the fetch type to FetchType.LAZY once more in the @OneToMany annotation in the Publisher entity, and the rest of the code will remain unchanged. It's right here:
JAVA,Hibernate,fetch type,Programming,Spring Boot,OneToMany,Software Development,Technology,lazy loading,JPA,eager loading

and keep the comment on the line that prints the list of Books [System.out.println("Books :: " + publisherOut.getBookList());] in the getPublisher() method as:
JAVA,Hibernate,fetch type,Programming,Spring Boot,OneToMany,Software Development,Technology,lazy loading,JPA,eager loading

👉 CALL /getPublisher/{id}

Now, in Postman, call /getPublisher/id to retrieve Publisher with Books details with an id value of 1 and view the audit log in the console:
JAVA,Hibernate,fetch type,Programming,Spring Boot,OneToMany,Software Development,Technology,lazy loading,JPA,eager loading
As a result, FetchType.LAZY retrieves only the Publisher details via a simple SELECT SQL statement without joining and does not retrieve a list of Books. This implies FetchType.LAZY obtains data ON DEMAND.

9. Conclusion

Choosing the appropriate fetch type in Spring Boot applications that use JPA is critical for optimizing performance and resource utilization. Understanding the distinctions between eager and lazy fetching allows you to make informed decisions when designing entity relationships. Whether you use eager or lazy fetching, you should always consider your application's usage patterns, data volume, and performance requirements.

FetchType.EAGER is the default fetch type for @OneToOne. FetchType for @OneToMany is EAGER.LAZY and FetchType.LAZY is for @ManyToMany.

You can download the source code.
Happy coding!!! 😊

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